Getting Started Right Tips

What is Clean Eating?

What is Clean Eating?

What does clean eating really mean??

The phrase “clean eating” has been rising in popularity these days. It’s such a vague phrase, so what does it really mean?

Let's talk first about what it is NOT......It is not a defined diet– there are many ways to interpret “clean eating”. Clean eating is not  necessarily a diet for weight loss, although it can have those effects.  Clean eating is not about your food being dirty. It’s about avoiding the processed foods with a million ingredients. 

Here’s my short and sweet definition:

Clean eating: eating the healthiest options in the food groups, like fresh vegetables, fruit, dairy, whole grains and lean proteins, and avoiding processed junk food and fast food.

So basically, clean eating is healthy, fresh, well-rounded meals. This is definitely a trend I can get behind! You don’t have to be a vegetarian to eat clean, and you don’t have to cook fancy meals or go on a cleanse.  The easiest way to eat clean is to shop the perimeter of your grocery store.

Below are some tips for shopping each section.

Fresh Fruit & Veggies:

Anything in this section is basically a free-for-all. Load up on anything and everything that you like. Kale, spinach, sweet potatoes, oranges and berries are delicious, nutrition-packed options.


Here’s where label reading will come into play. Look for meats that are nitrate-free, and lower in sodium.  Buy straight from the deli rather than purchasing the pre-packaged deli meats.  Try to buy cheeses with less than 150mg of sodium per serving.


Aim for grass-fed and pasture raised meats. Those without these labels were probably raised in filthy environments. It’s more expensive, but cutting down on your meat consumption can help the environment and your waistline. 


Choose cage-free eggs and low-fat dairy products like milk, low-sodium cottage cheese, and light sour cream.  *I like Egglands Best for eggs.

Frozen Fruit & Veggies: Make sure you’re choosing those without added sodium or sauces. 

Fresh Breads:

 Check the labels and try to find those with less than 150mg of sodium per serving. Look for whole grain bread.

Center Aisles:

Go in for the toilet paper and then GET OUT! Just kidding… you can stay in the middle for a little longer, for items such as low-sodium canned beans, canned tomatoes, plain pasta and rice, nuts and seeds, nut butters, high fiber/protein cereal, and of course any cleaning or household products you may need.  

So how can you start eating clean?

First, reading labels is KEY!! Check out the ingredient lists for everything with a label. Look at sodium, sugar, and how many ingredients the product has. Does it have a long list of ingredients with unrecognizable names?

If foods have more than FIVE items on their ingredient list, they’re probably not clean


Second, PLAN! I cannot stress how important meal planning is to a healthy diet. It will make such a huge difference. If you don’t know what you’re eating for dinner, and it’s already 4:00pm, what are you more likely to do? Scramble together a meal at home, or just pick up food on the way home? 

Do you eat clean? What are some of your favorite clean eating recipes?

Please feel free to leave comments and let’s help each other!

Most of all,

please remember the 80/20 Rule!!

 What is the 80/20 Rule you ask??  The 80/20 principle is no diet — it's a lifestyle change that can lead to sustainable weight loss. Folks who have suffered on rigid, limiting diets in the past find that this new rule teaches them about balance and moderation, a concept that does not exist with fad diets.  The breakdown is simple: 80 percent of the time you focus on eating clean, good-for-you foods, and 20 percent of the time you have the freedom to indulge as you please. Don't be concerned about the math, but it's simple: if you eat three square meals a day, three of those meals every week are your 20 percent cheat meals; if you eat five small meals a day, then seven of those meals could be up for grabs as a cheat meal.  The point is build a lifestyle change that you can stick to and live with for the long haul!!  

Because think about it.... You can't be 100% ALL of the time, but you can be 80% ALL of the time!! Right??

Would you like to learn more about Shakeology?? (Shakeology is the healthiest meal of the day and is the ultimate in CLEAN EATING!!)


Do you want to join my next FREE clean eating fitness group?  Just fill out the below form:


Grocery Shopping Tips

Grocery Shopping Tips


Make sure you eat a balanced snack or meal prior to venturing out to the grocery store. This is critically important if you are stopping to shop following work. Pack extra snacks, bring them to work and eat them toward the end of your day or on your way to the store. If you find yourself at the store and you are hungry but did not prepare a snack, go to the pre-cut veggies and grab something healthy like cut cucumbers. You can also ask for a sample of sliced turkey when you are at the deli or order a few slices. This will fill you up with smart choices, so you will stick to buying what you need!


Prior to going to the grocery store, take the time to surf the web (Pinterest), read recipe books or review your own recipe file to plan out your meals. This way you will know the ingredients that you will need before heading out to the store. Instead of mindlessly shopping and ending up with items that don’t serve you well, you will be mindful and aware of what you are buying. Supermarkets and manufacturers know how to market merchandise to consumers, especially hungry ones that shop without a plan!


When you have a plan and create a list, you will be less vulnerable to give in to temptation as you go up and down the aisles. Make a commitment to stick to your list. When you take the time to make a shopping list from a meal plan that also includes snacks, you will be more likely to stay the course of your good intentions to eat well.


Shop the perimeter of the store first. This is where you will typically find the fruits and veggies as well as the dairy, meat, chicken and fish departments. Within the inner aisles of the store you will mostly find packaged and processed foods. Limit your time here!


Stop and ask yourself while shopping, would my grandparents or ancestors have had access to this food 100 plus years ago? Our ancestors did not have access to processed foods long ago. Consider eating whole, fresh, natural and unprocessed foods as much as possible... your body will LOVE you for it!



Choose romaine, kale and spinach over iceberg lettuce. Buy sweet potatoes instead of white potatoes. Consume brown rice or wild rice instead of white rice. Choose more vibrant colored vegetables instead of the pale variety. Colorful vegetables are packed with more nutrients. Purchase whole grain bread or sprouted breads along with brown rice and whole wheat pasta as they contain more fiber. They also help to balance your blood sugar levels, which allow you to stay fuller longer.


Do not put sugary drinks into your cart! Say goodbye to sodas, sports drinks, and fruit juices. These are liquid carbs and are made up of empty calories! They cause your blood sugar to rise significantly. Purchase sparkling water and cut up lemons and limes instead.  

You might consider purchasing a water infusion pitcher so you can add berries, watermelon, mint or even cucumber, among other combinations to flavor the water naturally. Check out my previous blog post

Detox Water Bar

for some really great water recipes to change things up a bit! Buy herbal and green teas and make pitchers of iced tea.  There are some really great flavored green tea varieties out there! These are tasty alternatives to sweetened drinks! Try to avoid (if possible) drinks that contain artificial sweeteners like Crystal Light with aspartame.  There are some varieties that are made with Stevia now that are a much healthier option.


Just as you create a list and meal plan for your week, do the same with balanced healthy snacks. If you eat 5 or 6 smaller portioned meals or snacks each day, your blood sugar will be more stable and you’ll feel full longer. 


Eating healthy for the long-term is about balance. Cutting out foods indefinitely doesn’t work for every one. It’s okay to give in to some of our cravings. If we don’t, we may choose to binge or give up our lifestyle changes when we can’t be perfect. Be smart about your indulgences. If you love ice cream, don’t buy a pint of Ben and Jerry’s, buy the small


mini-pint size and have that available to eat once or twice a week.


Think about purchasing single ingredient foods. For example, broccoli and apples are single ingredient foods. Avoid processed foods that contain additives, preservatives, trans fats, etc.  

Adopt the rule: If you can’t pronounce it, don’t eat it!

 Attempt to stick with items that have 5 ingredients or less and limit foods that are in a box, bag or can. Just because the package says “low fat” or “low calorie” or “good source of”  …. Does not mean that it is healthy!

Would you like to join my next FREE healthy eating fitness challenge?  Just fill out the below form and let's get started!


Would you like to learn more about Shakeology?


How to Take Accurate Before and After Measurements

How to Take Accurate Before and After Measurements

I know.... you are standing there holding the measuring tape and wondering... where EXACTLY am I supposed to measure?  I can't tell for sure just by looking at this picture... and I want to get it right!  Believe me, I feel your pain! Relax... it is actually not that hard.


Don’t worry…taking body part measurements is super easy. All you need is a flexible tape measure (fabric, not metal!) and a method to record and track your results like one of my above measurement trackers. You can find fabric tape measures at almost any art & craft or fabric store near you.

When taking your measurements, you need to measure with the same tightness and same spot each and every time – otherwise, you are not going to get accurate readings. The measuring tape should neither be too tight nor too loose. If skin is starting to bulge out from over and under the tape measure, you are measuring too tight, and if it’s moving around freely, you don’t have it tight enough.

Here are the body parts you should always measure and how to measure them properly:
  • Neck – Measure around the smallest part of your neck.
  • Chest– Measure around the fullest part of your bust, under your armpits and around your shoulder blades.
  • Arms – Measure around the largest part of your arms (flexed or not flexed, just make sure to do it the same every week.)
  • Waist – Measure around the smallest part of your waist, if you don’t have a pronounced wasistline and you’re fairly straight, measure at the belly button.
  • Hips – Measure around the widest portion of your hips.
  • Thighs –  Measure the circumference of the the fullest part of your thigh, usually about three inches from your crotch.
  • Calves – Measure around the largest part of your calf (flexed or not flexed, just do it the same each time).

Muscle weighs more than fat and does not take up as much space, which means you could lose a ton of fat and not lose much weight on the scale if you’ve been putting on lean muscle mass. What commonly happens when people begin a new fitness program is that they lose fat and replace it with muscle. This means the scale could remain the same even though you’ve lost five pounds of fat and replaced it with five pounds of muscle. A good thing to always remember is this: losing inches is a better tracker of success than losing a ton of weight.  Taking your body part measurements will let you know if you are building muscle and losing fat, while a scale is just not smart enough to figure that out!

What is Shakeology??

Shakeology has been a life saving fitness and wellness tool for me in this journey to lose weight.  I have a 4yo daughter and about six months after having her, I tore my ACL which completely halted my weight loss efforts.  By the time that I had completed a year of rehab for my knee and was told that I could finally go back to exercising, I had packed on about 30 extra pounds!  I decided to begin my transformation for the second time around with Insanity.  Believe it or not, but I actually did the entire first month of the program without drinking Shakeology because I thought that I didn't need it!  I really thought I could manage my eating habits and exercise and still reach my goals. Half-way through the program, I decided to give Shakeology a try... finally!  I had reached a plateau and thought that Shakeology might help.  After researching and reading all the information on the Shakeology site, I chose the chocolate.  I needed that quick fix of chocolate everyday to curb my cravings.  I was so surprised to learn how much more energy I had to complete the program with Shakeology on board... what a difference in my performance!  I received my shakeology order and the first shake that I blended was ice, 1 cup water, 1/2 banana, and 1 tbsp peanut butter.... Yum! Tasted like a Reece's peanut butter cup!   I got better at mixing the shakes as the days went on and now they taste amazing.  In my shipment was a calendar of 30 ways to mix Shakeology.  I love trying new recipes and I wake up every morning looking forward to another shake. Shakeology helped me to break out of that platueau, lose that 30 pounds, and now maintain my weight. I can not imagine starting each day without it!!

Here is my testimony about Shakeology... why I drink it every day and what it has done for me!!

Here is a little background on Shakeology to help you make a better informed decision.

This is a great video on the benefits of Shakeology: The Breakthrough

Plus, see what doctors are saying:  See Why 100 Doctors Recommend Shakeology

Shakeology is more nutritious than a salad and tastes like a dessert!

What is Shakeology?
Shakeology is a nutritional protein shake that provides a wide spectrum of healthy nutrients in a low-calorie formula.  Whether you use it as a meal replacement or for weight loss or simply to ensure your body gets all the nutrients it needs for optimal health, Shakeology takes the guesswork out of nutrition.

What's in it?
Shakeology contains over 70 ultra high-quality ingredients conveniently located in one glass, to deliver nearly all the nutrients you need to maintain a healthy diet.  It's good for you, and good for everyone, because everyone's diet is deficient in some of the key nutrient groups packed into just one Shakeology serving.
Protein from whey, which is highly absorbable, gives you 8 essential amino acids that help you build muscle, lose weight, support brain function, and keep your skin and bones healthy.

Vitamins and minerals support optimum health.

Antioxidants boost the immune system and help reduce free radical damage that can lead to heart disease, heart attacks, blood pressure, and stroke.

Phytonutrients support immune function and have anti-inflammatory properties. 

Prebiotics support digestive and immune health.

Digestive enzymes help in the digestion of foods and increase the absorption rate of those foods for optimum health.

What can Shakeology do for you?
It is an effective way to help you lose weight, increase your energy and be the healthiest you can possibly be.  Shakeology can help you reduce cravings and promote healthy digestion and regularity. Shakeology recommends that you replace one meal per day with a shake along with regular exercise and a balanced diet, participants who did this experienced remarkable health improvements.  It can reduce your total cholesterol, reduce LDL cholesterol, reduce cardiovascular risk, and reduce oxidative damage caused by free radicals.  I personally have lowered my LDL cholesterol by 15 points after drinking Shakeology for about  6  months!!  15 points is more than what mostmedications can do and without all the side effects!!
Why Shakeology?
I love Shakeology because I am a busy, working mom and it is a quick and convenient way to get complete nutrition.  It supplies me with the energy I need to help keep up with the kids, my career, and my hectic lifestyle.  It is also easier to make and tastier than a salad, and it is an excellent way to eat healthy when eating a full meal is not possible.  If you don't like eating fruits and vegetables then this is a great way to get all the benefits of eating a full bowl of fruits and vegetables without having to actually eat them.  If you have high cholesterol then this will help you lower total and LDL as well. 

How to use it.
It's very simple. 
Mix 1 scoop of Shakeology with 8 oz. of water.  If you like, add ice.  Or if you want something more filling and maybe even more satisfying, blend your Shakeology with ice and nonfat, almond, rice, or soy milk.  Shakeology dissolves easily, but blending it will give it a thicker, creamier texture.  

Here is another video giving a complete run down of all of the ingredients:
Tony Horton Checks out Shakeology

Check out my Shakeology website for more information or to purchase Shakeology.

You can also connect with me on Facebook - send me a friend request or a message and I will be happy to get back with you!

Email me at:

Ways to try Shakeology:
1.  Message me for a sample as described above.
2.  You can purchase a week's worth of samples from my Shakeology website listed above to try out Shakeology and see if its the right fit for you for $35.
3.  You can purchase a Shakeology cleanse for $55 to jump start your weight loss program or bust through a plateau.
4.  You can sign up for Shakeology HD (home direct) which gives your free shipping and automatically ships your Shakes to you each month.  You can cancel at any time with no questions asked.  There is also a 30 day money back bottom of the bag guarantee.  If for any reason you do not like the shake you can return the empty bag for a full refund. 
5.  You can purchase Shakeology in the bag or 24 individual serving sizes.... both are the same price.  With individual serving sizes you can have an assortment of Greenberry, Chocolate, Vanilla, and now Tropical Strawberry, Vegan varieties for sensitive stomachs.  And now... the newest flavor, Cafe Late!

What do you get for your purchase of Shakeology HD?
Your first Shakeology order not only comes with a month's supply of shakeology.... but you also get:
You receive a calendar of 30 different ways to make each flavor.
You receive free shipping when you sign up for Home Direct. 
And a free shaker cup!
You not only get a shake, but you get a nutrient rich meal that you do not have to worry about creating yourself! It truly is THE HEALTHIEST MEAL OF THE DAY!!

Would you like to learn more about Shakeology or try some Shakeology samples??

21 Day Fix Meal Planning Tips

Are you a busy mom on-the-go who is desperately trying to stick to your healthy eating plan??  Here are some quick time-saving tricks to help you meet your nutrition goals in your fast paced life…..

10 Time-Saving Tips:

  1. Buy pre-cooked chicken breast or fish from the deli section.
  2. Choose canned tuna for quick meals.
  3. Buy pre-cut vegetables. (Just make sure nothing is added to it!)
  4. Hard-boil several eggs at once for quick, high-protein snacks or to add to salads.
  5. Bake all of your sweet potatoes at once.
  6. Pre-cook enough quinoa or brown rice for the week.
  7. Chop all carrots, cucumber, bell peppers, etc. at once for healthy snacks and ready toppings for salads.
  8. Mornings can be hectic. Have your breakfast ready to go by prepping a large batch of oatmeal or these simple egg cups.
  9. Stock up on berries or fruits that don’t need to be cut like apples, oranges, and bananas.
  10. Raw, unsalted nuts make a great, portable snack.

Would you like to join my next FREE clean eating fitness challenge?


Would you like to learn more about Shakeology?? 
